October 2024 hearing on Issue 10

The Coronial Inquest into the Christchurch Masjidain Attack will resume at the Christchurch Law Courts on 7 October 2024 to hear evidence on Issue 10. The hearing is set down from 7-31 October.

Those already registered do not need to register again.

Issue 10 relates to whether the firearms licensing process followed by Police in issuing the offender’s firearms licence can be causally connected to the attack, and therefore to the deaths, and if so, whether any identified deficiencies in that process have now been addressed by way of legislative amendments or any Police (or other relevant entity) process changes.

Watching the hearing:

We strongly encourage you to watch online from home. The same online viewing option with interpretation will be available to watch the hearing under the same conditions as last year. If you have registered before, you will be emailed an individual link to watch online in the week before the hearing starts.

Courtroom seating is limited to 32 public seats. Those seats will be prioritised for families of the deceased. There are no additional courtrooms available to watch the hearing.

Victim Assistance Scheme funding

  • Travel funding to attend the hearing in person will only be available if you normally live in New Zealand, up to a maximum of $3500 per person.
  • If you normally live overseas (even if you are currently visiting New Zealand), you are not eligible for assistance.
  • There is no court attendance grant.
  • A data allowance will be paid at a daily rate if you watch the hearing using your link. Payments will be paid automatically based on IT data at the end of the hearing. Payment will not be made unless you have used your personal link.
  • Reimbursement for travel, accommodation, and other claimable expenses will be processed by Victim Support as quickly as possible after the hearing. This may take 3-4 weeks.

Travel assistance funding:

People normally living in New Zealand can apply for travel assistance:

  • For each of the deceased: Up to six family members and/or support people (six total).
  • For victims of gunshot wounds: Primary victim and up to three support people (four total).
  • Witnesses/present at scene: Witness/present at scene plus one support person (two total).

Assistance grant funds will not be pooled. Each eligible person has a limit of $3,500. This is a contribution and may not cover all costs associated with attending the hearing. Please ensure you are able to cover your expenses while in Christchurch.

You can book your own domestic travel or get Victim Support to book it for you.

Option 1: Booking your own travel

We encourage you to make your own bookings for travel and accommodation within the conditions below, and to book promptly. You must submit a completed Intent to Travel form(external link) by 8am on Monday 9 September 2024 to let Victim Support know you are booking your own travel. 

You are welcome to book flights between 5 October and 2 November 2024. You may wish to consider flexible flights in case the hearing finishes before 31 October, as changes to flights may incur a cost.

  • If you do book your own travel, you are responsible for booking for all of your needs.
  • All travel-related funding (flights, meals, accommodation, taxis/uber, parking, childcare, mileage) will be reimbursed after the hearing. Travel over weekends only will not be reimbursed.

If you submitted an intent to travel form, a form for reimbursement claims will be emailed to you on 14 October 2024. 

Option 2: Victim Support can book your travel

You will need to complete an Intent to Travel form(external link) by 8am on Monday 9 September 2024. The form will offer specific choices. If eligible to travel, you will be emailed finalised arrangements. 

  • Flights booked by Victim Support will be between 5 October and 2 November 2024. Seats will be allocated by the airline.
  • Accommodation will be selected on your behalf, based on availability with preferred suppliers.
  • Travel over weekends only will not be booked.

Data allowance:

A data allowance will be paid on a daily basis if:

  • You receive a link to watch online, as a person registered to receive one.
  • You watch the hearing online using your personalised link.

The Ministry of Justice will provide Victim Support with IT data confirming who watched the hearing. Payment will be made automatically based on this information at the end of the hearing.

Reimbursement payments will be made on the following basis:

  • Receipts for flights, accommodation, taxis/uber, parking and childcare costs.
  • Meals or mileage will be calculated if required and paid at the daily rate.
  • The data allowance will be paid automatically at a daily rate if you use your online link, based on IT data. The allowance will be paid at the end of the hearing at a rate of $15 a day.
  • You do not need to claim the data allowance. It will be paid automatically after the hearing has finished.

Receipts and details must be submitted to Victim Support with the reimbursement form by 8am on 18 November 2024. The form will detail what can be claimed and payment rates for some allowances. Receipts need to be from a service provider and clearly legible, or the reimbursement cannot be paid.

Please submit claims no later than 8am on 18 November 2024, as reimbursements may not be paid if submitted later.

Bank account details:

If your bank account has changed since you were last paid by Victim Support, you will need to update your bank account details(external link). The form specifies what details are required. Payments will otherwise be processed to the account on file.

If you have any questions about this information, you can contact chchresponse@victimsupport.org.nz