Documents relevant to the Coronial Inquiry

If the information you're looking for isn't on this page, or if you have any other questions, please contact Coronial Services by emailing or phoning 0800 88 88 20.

On this page, you will find:

This page contains complex legal documents, particularly documents issued by the Coroners. These are best understood with the support of a lawyer.

Translations of key documents in ArabicBengaliDariHindiMalayPashtoSomaliTurkish and Urdu are available.

If you are an Interested Party to the Inquiry, and do not have a lawyer, the Coronial Services staff can help you understand the process. Please email or call 0800 88 88 20. Interpreter support is available if you would like it.

Infographics explaining this Coronial Inquiry

Who is involved [PNG, 449 KB]

Process stages [PNG, 468 KB]

Process differences [PNG, 351 KB]

Information disclosures [PNG, 381 KB]

The Coronial Inquest [PNG, 701 KB]

Decisions, Minutes and Orders released by the Coroners

The Coroner issues Decisions, Minutes, and Orders from time to time to provide instructions to Interested Parties, update interested Parties on the progress, and to provide other information on the coronial Inquiry.

Decision to adjourn First Phase Inquest hearing to a later date

Decision on application to remove Counsel assisting the Inquiry

Coroner Windley’s documents relating to the February 2022 Scope hearing

Coroner’s documents relating to access to information

Interested Parties have asked Coroner Windley for access to information such as the source documents, manifesto document and video footage of the attack. Below are Coroner Windley’s instructions in respect of accessing this information.

If you are an Interested Party or lawyer seeking access to this information, please read the Minutes and Interim Non-Publication Order carefully before seeking access.

Coroners’ Minutes in respect of the early stages of the Inquiry

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Documents in respect of access to information

WARNING: Evidential Overviews contain details about the masjidain attack that some readers may find disturbing or upsetting. Some material may not be suitable for younger audiences and adult supervision is recommended.

Accessing evidential overviews

The Police have prepared overview reports, called Evidential Overviews.

  • Victim Evidential Overview reports
    There is a different Victim Evidential Overview report prepared for each of the deceased. Each Victim Evidential Overview report is only given to the families of that person. If you are a family member seeking access to one of these reports, you can request a copy by contacting Coronial Services by emailing

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Interested Party submissions on the scope of the Inquiry

Interested Parties made submissions on the scope of the masjidain attack coronial Inquiry. You can read these submissions below.

Mr Nigel Hampton QC and Ms Kathryn Dalziel representing a number of Interested Parties
Mr Aarif Rasheed representing a number of Interested Parties
Ms Anne Toohey representing a number of Interested Parties
Josh Shaw Submissions representing Interested Parties
Dr Amir Bastani representing Interested Parties
Ms Aliya Danziesen and Dr Max Harris representing the Islamic Women’s Council of New Zealand
Mr Abdul Razzaq representing the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand
Mr James Wilding QC representing St John’s Ambulance
Mr Mark Zarifeh representing New Zealand Police
Mr John Hancock representing the Human Rights Commission
Mr Jonathon Coates and Ms Andrea Lane representing Canterbury District Health Board
Mr Peter Cranney representing New Zealand Professional Fire Fighters Union
Mr Mansfield counsel for B Tarrant

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